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Screen scraping census baby name data with nodeJs, cheerio(jQuery) and promises


—->My Soure Code<—-


Screen scrape census baby names data for the 51 states and produce a single CSV file.

These data are in html table via sites such as


Script must translate all of the table data from 51 states (51 requests) into a single csv file that contains




  • Fire 51 post requests.
  • In each request, parse the html data to produce an array of javascript objects that represents the data collected.
  • Once all requests are done, loop through all of the data collected and generate the csv file.

Main Concepts

This blog entry does a fantastic job explaining the programming used in my code.

Lexical Scope/IIFE/Closure

You need to understand the lexical scope in Javascript so you can understand why async calls inside of a loop will not behave correctly unless you wrap your code in an IIFE. This is explained in details in the blog entry.

For example, the following code will NOT work correctly

for(var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
	var stateCode = states[i];
	request(url + stateCode, function(error, response, body){
		// this is wrong

It needs to be like

for(var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
	var stateCode = states[i];
	(function(stateCode) {
		request(url + stateCode, function(error, response, body){
			// this is right


Promises are used to collect all data from all of the async calls.
This concept works similar to the jQuery promise e.g.

// array of promises
var ajaxCalls = [];

// unknown number of ajaxCalls

var group = $.when.apply($, ajaxCalls);
group.done(function() {
    // all ajax calls are done

Using promise-io, the syntax will be

// lib
var promiseIo = require("promised-io/promise");
var Deferred = promiseIo.Deferred;

var allStates = []; // array of promises
for(var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
	allStates[i] = new Deferred();

// when all of the async call return
var group = promiseIo.all(allStates);
	for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
		// array[i] contains the value returned by the promise

// somewhere in an async call
... { ....
allStates[i].resolve('my promise value to return');
... }


  • You must first install nodeJs
  • Then download/clone my source code
  • Follow my read me instructions for
    npm install ...
  • Open censusBabyNamesState.js and update any variables
  • Run
    > node censusBabyNamesState.js

    and your csv file will be generated

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